Night Landscapes by Sarah Janssen

Sarah Janssen is a German crossmedia artist and freelance photographer based in Groningen, Netherlands. After receiving a Master in Interactive Media and Envioronments, she started to use photography to explore the human visual perception of images and space, playing with light in night landscapes. She discovered photography during her bachelor studies in art/crossmedia design, and used it as […]

Appreciate the Poetic Cinematography in Trois Couleurs : Bleu

Experience watching a movie without the sound, relaying only on visuals: you’ll start to see new layers of comprehension, association of ideas… This is why Trois Couleurs : Bleu is such a meaningful movie to me. Directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski in 1993, it is the first part of the three-color triptych blue/white/red that successively explores France’s motto: “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”. […]

Monty Kaplan

Javier Federico Kaplan, aka Monty Kaplan, is an Argentinian photographer and filmmaker based in Miami. He defines his style as eclectic and minimal. Eclectic in the sense that he’s always interested in capturing a specific mood, from the most upbeat, colorful pictures to dour and gloomy ones. His main concerns are always light (or lack […]

Pawel Uniatowicz

The visuals of Polish filmmaker and photographer Pawel Uniatowicz will transport you to a dream-like atmosphere. Some of his photographs are issued from his movies, and his experimental approach consists in using multiple mediums, combining analog images from his 35mm camera and sound. Watch his experimental videos, and photographs.