• Features
  • Kalli Retzepi

    Kalli Retzepi is 27 years old photographer living between Greece, Switzerland and the US. She is also an Interaction Designer intern at a digital design studio in Zurich. She has always worked in something related with images since she was a researcher in a brain imaging center in Boston.

    Being both an artist and a scientist, she is always torn between these two professional paths. She developed an interest in photography because it offered her the artistic relief she was so thirsty for, while still being a machine-based medium, so something more “technical”. “The right part of my brain (photography) always tries to compete with the left one (rationality)”.

    Kalli’s work focuses on the light: “I think that being a sort of a “nomad” made me discover that there can be beauty wherever I am, simply because there is light wherever I am. I always try to teach myself how to see it when I look at it”.

    More pictures on her website.