Irene Zottola is a self-taught photographer; in 2016, she began honing her skills in the laboratory of Madrid’s Slow Photo collective. Her poetic works probe at the limits of analogue photography, which she often pairs with text. Working simultaneously as an arts educator, Zottola explores photography as a tool for social intervention amongst vulnerable groups. […]
‘Leaving One For Another’ by Olgaç Bozalp
Born and cultured in Turkey, Olgaç Bozalp has spent the last decade of his life in London, bestowing him with a hybrid perspective of the Eastern and Western worlds. His cultural awareness and sensitivity to personal identities mixed with fashion and documentary is what makes his work feel simultaneously nostalgic and alien. Olgaç explores the […]
‘The Bliss of Girlhood’ by Kristina Rozhkova
Kristina Rozhkova (1996) was born in 1996 in Perm (Ural), Russia. She has studied philosophy at the Perm State University, where she started taking photography. In 2019 moved to Saint-Petersburg where she studies MA in Practical philosophy of SPBU. She is also a student at Fotografika school. Project StatementFor some reason, as a society we […]
‘Charbon Blanc’ by Teo Becher
Téo Becher was born in France and now lives in Brussels. His photographic work focuses on the complex relationship between nature and culture. His photographs suggest the trace of human intervention in different environments, transformed according to human needs. Charbon Blanc, her recent photobook published by Le Bec En L’air. Maurienne’s mountains are marked with […]
‘Companions’ by Yana Wernicke
Yana Wernicke is a German photographer currently based in a small town close to Frankfurt am Main. Her work often revolves around the photographic depiction of animals and humankind’s relationship to nature and other beings. ‘Wernicke documents with subtle grace the close bonds between two young women and the farm animals that they rescue, love, […]
‘Trials’ by Andrés Mario
Andrés Mario was born into two Cuban families and grew up in Miami as a first generation Cuban-American. The death of his mother helped him galvanized his need to know more about himself and what he is capable of expressing. After graduating, Andrés moved to New Mexico. Since living in the desert, his obsession with […]
‘If I Call Stone Blue It Is Because Blue Is The Precise Word’ by Joselito Verschaeve
Joselito Verschaeve (Belgium, 1996) is a visual artist living and working in Ghent, Belgium. With a focus on photographic work and the photobook. ‘If I Call Stones Blue, It Is Because Blue Is The Precise Word’ is Joselito Verschaeve’s way to tell a story with the day-to-day encounters he experiences and relate them to the […]
‘Cooking Potato Stories’ by Ana Núñez Rodríguez
Ana Núñez Rodríguez is a research-based photographer living and working between Spain and Colombia. In her work, she delves into the politics of identity, connecting her own experience of navigating between both cultural realities with other voices. Through the use of images, she establishes new forms of collaboration and knowledge production that reveal forgotten colonial […]