• Features
  • ‘If I Call Stone Blue It Is Because Blue Is The Precise Word’ by Joselito Verschaeve

    Joselito Verschaeve (Belgium, 1996) is a visual artist living and working in Ghent, Belgium. With a focus on photographic work and the photobook.

    ‘If I Call Stones Blue, It Is Because Blue Is The Precise Word’ is Joselito Verschaeve’s way to tell a story with the day-to-day encounters he experiences and relate them to the subjects that he’s invested with. By walking in between themes of literature, history, natural phenomena, and dystopia the artist creates images that can live in different contexts and that are able to carry the fictional narrative he’s portraying. Part of that practice is seeing the potential in his local surroundings and seeing if they can hold the idea of a different place and time. And while the work is fictional, the images carry the idea of possible future events, threats, and repetitive history. While showing that the subject of dystopia and problematic times shines in its simple pleasures and appreciation of common living.

    “My work leans on day-to-day encounters that are or turn narrative driven. With the idea of building an archive which can fit different themes while maintaining certain interchangeability. With this archive gradually growing it’s possible to move around images and create new narratives.” J.V.
