Lara Gasparotto

Lara Gasparotto is a 26 years old photographer from Belgium that has a special eye for poetically capturing people and moments.  No matter what the main subject is in her pictures, from a landscape to a portrait, what is really captivating is that perfect mix of innocent and sensual that’s present all along her work. […]

Jordane Prestrot

Jordane Prestrot is a French photographer born and raised in Paris, but currently based near the town of Guebwiller in the region of Alsace. He was initiated into photography as a child when he found some old cameras from his family and started taking pictures here and there. What he loves about it though, is […]


With its irresistible richness, its color and warmth, Pedro Almodóvar’s Volver (2006) is set to capture your eyes. “Volver” is Spanish for “to return,” or to “come back”. It is said that it represents the director’s return to his childhood, magnifying the women in his life and the “small village” beliefs that shaped his imagination. […]

Kevin Michael Klipfel

Kevin Michael Klipfel is an American photographer whose spontaneous and straightforward photos, feel like an honest contemplation of life. Not looking for the most beautiful subjects, but for the most authentic moments, he transmits the life that surrounds him through colorful and contrasted photographs. Visit his website, or flickr.

Chong Chen

Juxtaposing images of corporeal details with suggestive forms found in nature, Chinese photographer Chong Cheng proves that sensuality can be found everywhere. According to the artist, his work “holds many questions concerning human existence” and intends to study the bond between the “human self and the outside world.”