• Features
  • Jordane Prestrot

    Jordane Prestrot is a French photographer born and raised in Paris, but currently based near the town of Guebwiller in the region of Alsace. He was initiated into photography as a child when he found some old cameras from his family and started taking pictures here and there. What he loves about it though, is that it gave him the opportunity to engage with the world around him and create something enduring from it, not evanescent like words can be.

    His style is often defined as minimalist because he likes to compose images with few elements and give great importance to their balance. He constantly tries to find original frames to show every day subjects/objects in an unusual face. But what we find interesting is his method which consists in pondering about what elements could be substracted from the image; what is “too much”. Some things are a lot more meaningful when absent.

    Discover his series on his website.